…I sit here facing the end of October, wondering how the
hell I got through the last 6 weeks but also how can it possibly be the end of
the month already! October has been
full speed, resulting in very little time being spent here. That wasn’t supposed to happen….This is my new
blog, I am supposed to start this with full zest, inspiration and sampling in
abundance…..but sometimes things just don’t go to plan…
I intend to return to this little journal – my new home… in
November… and start as I mean to go on…I hope you haven’t all left me in this
empty nest…helllllooooo! Is anybody out
there??? Please leave a comment and say
hello so I don’t feel as if I am sat alone in an empty room…and in return I
promise to start chit chats, notations, ramblings of life…..far more regularly…
and to prove I haven’t been sat doing nothing here are a few snap shots of my
crazy month……and I couldn't have got through it without Bob...